Thank you for your support!
- Mario K. Castillo
- Art Chavez
- Carlos Duarte
- Nelly and Felix Fraga
- Roland Garcia
- Elliot Gershenson
- Stan Marek
- Jacob Monty
- Rey de la Reza Architects, Inc. (RDLR) Lorie Westrick
- Gracie Saenz
- Massey Villarreal
- Geraldina Wise
Why Become a Madrina / Padrino?
Madrinas and Padrinos symbolize a deep commitment to support and guide someone throughout their life journey. ALMAAHH’s Madrinas and Padrinos will play a crucial role in sustaining operations as we embark on building the future home for Latino arts and culture.
Value Proposition
Limited edition collector’s print
Plaque and website recognition
VIP at opening event on 2030
Support Options
Pledge your support of $18k or more over 3 years payable as:
- One lump sum of $18k or
- $6k/year for three years or
- $500/month for three years